The Producers

Peter Stylianou - Director & Writer
Making The Film

Director's Statement
The Lost was shot on a micro-budget of just under 30k, mainly in one house in Surrey, England. A tiny but talented cast and crew worked their socks off to shoot over one hundred and twenty five scenes in just nine consecutive days which worked out to shooting an average of thirteen scenes in just a day! Although we delivered, there were many compromises; shots and scenes had to be cut, minimizing our coverage, however we used this to our advantage by merging scenes and doing many one takes which gave the actors more freedom to perform and be creative.
Key crew members of The Lost include second time writer/director/producer Peter Stylianou who worked alongside co-producer Susannah Hynes who has experience Production Managing and Producing Short films as well as working in the Corporate video sector. Gary Rogers, the director of photography, who shot dozens of feature films in the past, provided all the camera equipment and lighting as well as his vast experience allowing high-speed cinematography. But the glue that held it all together was Joe Stringer, the first assistant director who tirelessly kept this insane schedule while managing to keep the set fun and friendly.