Home Sweet Home

A couple evoke their childhood memories: one in Africa, the other in the USA

Heidi and Michael, a couple of filmmakers living on a houseboat in Paris, arrive in the United States to celebrate Thanksgiving with Heidi’s family. Michael thinks that the journey is pointless: the two families just don’t get along… But Heidi vociferously disagrees. Rain pelts down while they drive from New York to Boston, and they succumb to the dreamlike atmosphere which conjures up childhood memories: Heidi remembers Boston and Wasp society, Michael recalls colonial Africa.

With the voices of : Larry Lamb, Peter Marinker, Eve Karpf, Rhonda Miller

Festivals and Awards

LaurelCannes Film Festival (ACDO)
Laurel1st Prize C.E.I | Cinema Africano Milano


“An example of hybrid cinema in which the old formulae are outdated" - Duel Ottana, Italy
“A very special film that resembles nothing other than itself, presented in anew cinematic language” - Renouveau, Tunisia
“A very poetic and personal film told with a formal expression reminiscent of Godard’s experimental work” - Film Sor, Norway


Production - Lizard (France), Kitchen Cinema (New York)
Writer/Director: Michael Raeburn & Heidi Draper
Camera: Michael Raeburn & Heidi Draper
Editor: Elizabeth Downer
Music: Alexandre Desplat, Themba Tana, Sheila Silver, Réne Both

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